Hey Friends!

Autumn has arrived which means pumpkins spice flavors, Halloween decor, and best of all for NFNA, The Fall social event! Come meet your neighbors as we provide a delicious meal and celebrate our small community.

Would you like the opportunity to get more involved with your community, both in the neighborhood and beyond? Would you like the chance to connect with more of your neighbors? Do you think of yourself as an organized person? If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be interested in joining the board of the North-Florence Neighborhood Association. We have multiple seats opening up this year and would love to see some fresh faces step up to help build strong ties within our community. Potential positions are: president, vice president, and treasurer. If you have any questions about the positions feel free to reach out to one of the officers at the social.

Not sure if your ready to join the board, but still want to get involved with the neighborhood? Consider joining a committee. We are always looking for extra help with welcoming new folks, keeping our boulevard beautiful, and making sure there are fun events for folks to engage in.

Quarterly Joke

What do you call an eagle who can play the piano? Talonted!

Joke provided by icanhazdadjoke.com

Quarterly Poem

Song of the Witches: “Double, double toil and trouble” By William Shakespeare (from Macbeth)

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Fillet of a fenny snake,
In the caldron boil and bake;
Eye of newt and toe of frog,
Wool of bat and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg and howlet’s wing,
For a charm of powerful trouble,
Like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
Fire burn and caldron bubble.
Cool it with a baboon’s blood,
Then the charm is firm and good.

Around the Block

Here is a space where you can thank your neighbors for a helping hand, congratulate someone on a job well done, or give kudos to someone you saw doing a good deed.

If you would like to submit your joke, poem, or feel good story to NFNA Quarterly, please send it to Timothy Albertson at timothy.albertson@proton.me

Note: I reserve the right to review and reject any submission if I find it not in alignment with NFNA objectives.

Upcoming Events

October 17th - Fall Social When: 6:00PM Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

January 16th - 1st 2024 Quarterly Meeting When: 6:30PM Where: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church

Peoria Cares

The City of Peoria Community Development Department has a program that is focused on keeping neighborhoods beautiful and safe. If you have concerns about tall grass, crime, graffiti, pot holes, street lights etc. please use this opportunity to contact the city through Peoria Cares.

Call 309-494-2273 or submit online at: https://www.peoriagov.org/903/Peoria-Cares

Treasurer’s Report as of April 3rd, 2023

2023 Expenses 2023 Deposits Balance
Savings $2500.01
Checking (includes Bigelow) $7740.32 $1640.00 $383.87

Bigelow Balance: 1880.99 NOTE: Awaiting $5000 grant to be transferred into the account for installation of neighborhood signs.

Officer Contacts

President (interm) Vice President Treasurer Secretary
Dan Renick Dan Renick Janice Branch Timothy Albertson
406-781-1149 309-251-8869 309-681-0705 309-231-6516
daniel.b.renick@gmail.com daniel.b.renick@gmail.com jk.branch54@gmail.com timothy.albertson@proton.me

Committee Chairs

Welcoming Committee - Timothy Albertson timothy.albertson@proton.me
Bigelow Blvd Committee - Colleen Halberg colleenr64@comcast.net
Event Coordinator - Karen Yee kjyee16@gmail.com

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NFNA Quarterly Mailbox - timothy.albertson@proton.me

Visit our website at: http://northflorence.org